Our CREATE Program Structure

Training Key Components

The CREATE-CFS program is designed to provide unique learning opportunities and facilities that support students in reaching their fullest research and interpersonal potential before they embark on their new career path. At the end of the program, they will be able to:

  • Gain hands-on expertise on advanced techniques in CFS [practical skills];
  • Work on cutting-edge research projects in CFS relevant to industry needs through exchange internships or collaborations [real-world research skills];
  • Acquire advanced interdisciplinary knowledge of chemical synthesis, chemical analysis and chemical engineering principles necessary to implement CFS into Canadian industry [theoretical skills];
  • Disseminate CFS research results in the form of publications in high-impact journals or presentations at major symposia [communication skills];
  • Promote networking opportunities and leadership by participating in periodic CFS activities [people skills];
  • Strengthen interpersonal capacities through additional workshops, lectures and courses to become industrial leaders [career development skills].

Training Tools at a Glance

State-of-the-art flow infrastructure
Collaborative and innovative research
Interdisciplinary courses
Internships in academia or industry
Interactive summer school and workshops
Diverse lectureships and annual symposium
Lucrative scholarships for students


As modern manufacturing – particularly pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals – moves towards continuous flow science (CFS) techniques, it has become critically important to hire workers who are well versed in this emerging field. This Collaborative Research and Training Experience program (CREATE) program in Continuous Flow Science (CFS) was specifically launched in 2014 by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada (NSERC) to provide our students with educational possibilities beyond the normal academic curriculum that empower them with a solid set of added value skills likely to increase their employability and facilitate their successful integration into the workplace.

In other words, the program aims to create a new generation of students at the undergraduate, graduate or post-doctoral levels who will possess a modern mindset derived from exposure to a uniquely designed blend of chemistry and chemical engineering courses, laboratories, conferences, workshops and internships and infrastructure in CFS.


The ultimate goal of the CREATE-CFS program is the training of highly qualified researchers who will become the future leaders of Canadian academia, government and industry (analytical, pharmaceutical and biomedical areas). Through interdisciplinary education and partnerships with companies and local/international laboratories, the program provides rigorous, systematic, diverse and relevant training in flow-driven sciences to students who enroll in both chemistry and chemical engineering programs at Université de Montréal, École Polytechnique de Montréal, McGill University and University of Ottawa.